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Grades 4 – 7
In Senior Primary School, children are exposed to an education that will equip them for life – a high standard of academic achievement combined with Christian principles.
Children are enabled to develop a healthy self-image. They learn mutual respect and tolerance for the diverse cultural and religious backgrounds of others. Through a nurturing and disciplined environment, children are encouraged to develop a good value system, to grow in strength of character, and to become responsible citizens who appreciate the concept and value of democracy.
The school curriculum is based on that required by the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, but enriched with additional activities and subjects. Religious Education in the Senior Primary phase is based on Catholic teachings. Catholic children receive instruction through the school for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. The school has its own swimming pool and in their physical education lessons, children have swimming in the summer months. The following subjects are taught in the Senior Primary grades.
Our Academics
We offer the following subjects:

Grade 4
English First Language
Afrikaans Second Language
Social Studies
Natural Science
Robotics & Coding
Religious Education
Physical Education
Music Appreciation
Grade 5 & 6
English First Language
Afrikaans Second Language
German Foreign Language
Social Studies
Natural Science
Robotics & Coding
Religious Education
Physical Education
Music Appreciation
Grade 7
English First Language
Afrikaans Second Language
German Foreign Language
Social Studies
Natural Science
Robotics & Coding
Religious Education
Art & Craft
Physical Education
Music Appreciation

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